Friday 1 February 2013

Young children and chores

The age-old dilemma - should children be made to help with household chores or are they too young to be burdened. This can cause quite a bit of friction between couples, with one parent believing they should whereas the other parent may think it is completely wrong to expect them to. This may be due to cultural sensitivities and their own upbringing and it is important for parents to discuss their expectations and reach a conclusion that all are happy with.

I believe it is important for young children to have small chores to do around the house. It could be as simple as emptying the washing machine, pairing up the socks or putting their dirty washing in the laundry basket. It all contributes to them learning life-skills, responsibility and independence and being able to care for themselves as they get older. Young children usually love to help their parents and it can be a great way to spend time together. At first their attempts will not be perfect, but please resist the temptation to ‘clear up’ their jobs as it will only discourage them, and they will eventually improve. It can also be a great opportunity to boost their self-esteem when they achieve what has been asked of them and you praise their efforts.

As parents you know your children’s capabilities and interests better than anyone and will be able to decide which chores will be appropriate. You could start with simple tasks first and gradually introduce more complex chores as they become more proficient. You can buy child size tools, like brushes etc. which will help eliminate frustration and encourage them to work together as a team. It is entirely up to you whether you decide to offer pocket money for chores, would you be prepared to withhold the money if the chores were not carried out in the time frame you established? You could be setting yourself an expensive precedent for future tasks. For more complex jobs as they get older you could break them down into smaller achievable steps.

It is all about what works for you as a family and will promote confidence, elf-esteem and independence for your children.

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